


Career Exploration



What People are Saying About Donna

“What I really love about your appearance on Dave’s podcast is that you sound so professional and so honest in the same time. It is a pleasure to listen.”

— J.J., Retail Manager

Your offering of the ICFLA Teleclass of “Designing Impactful “Learning Style”-Based Actions” is powerful and generous and relevant. You are truly a creator and deliverer of value! Thank you for sharing and thank you for all you contribute to our Coaching profession and community.

— Lerae Gidyk, MCC, Executive & Mentor Coach

Donna has unique insights into the benefits and impacts of coaching professionals on how to utilize their LinkedIn Profile. On a one-to-one coaching basis and as a speaker, Donna demonstrates her knowledge, enthusiasm and practical advice as she enables professionals in presenting their talents, capabilities and experience. Donna stands out… Read More

— Nicky Westhead, Transformation Specialist, Executive Coach

First of all, your TV appearance was excellent!! You were calm, inviting, kind, interesting, informational, natural, conversational – pretty much everything I would like to convey – I give you 5 stars!!

— H.H., Therapist
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