
Should You Tweet Your Own Firing?

Leadership experts have mixed opinions about tweeting your own firing. Some see it as a good move under certain circumstances while others urge strongly against it.

Donna Schilder, a professional career coach, argued that there are certain circumstances when tweeting one’s firing makes sense “As a career coach,” she said, “I would advise a client who believes that their industry, and all possible future employers will find out about their firing through the media or otherwise, and believes the firing was unjust, to tweet about the firing and give their response to the firing via Twitter or other social media.” In such scenarios, Schilder said, a tweet explaining the circumstances of a firing may even improve the person’s chance of getting hired somewhere else.

Schilder added a qualifier though. “For most people,” she said, “employers in their industry will not find out that they have been fired. In this case, I would not recommend they tweet about being fired which would publicize information that might adversely affect their future employment.”

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What Makes for a Good Boss?

Picking a boss, someone you can work with, trust and who can inspire, may be as important to your job satisfaction as the salary and benefits you negotiate.

No boss is likely to have all the traits you’d like to see, but here are seven things you should key in on during the interview.

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Stepping Up When the Boss is Out of Town

If your boss agrees to have you step up while he/she is on vacation, then start establishing clear boundaries on what you can do – and what you cannot do or authorize. “The more you get your role clarified the better it will work,” said Donna Schilder, a leadership, career and business coach.

Taking on the manager’s role temporarily is tricky – there’s a fine line to walk between colleague and superior. It’s important to remember that you don’t have the power and influence your boss does, and so you need to pick your battles carefully.

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What To Do Hours Before A Big Job Interview

Your big interview is just ahead. You feel your stress levels rising, your thoughts are fast and furious.

Donna Schilder, a leadership and career coach from Long Beach, Calif., and Kainne Hansbury, a technology recruiter/principal with Winter Wyman shared plenty of suggestions, including:

“Feed your brain,” said Donna Schilder, a leadership and career coach from Long Beach, Calif. When she does public speaking, “I plan my meals an hour or an hour and a half before, so that I’m fully energized.”  If you can manage a short nap, that will refresh you too. Just be sure to set an alarm so you don’t sleep too long.

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Career Confidence: 6 Ways to Artfully Self-Promote at Work

Whether you’re angling for a job change, promotion or just a pat on the back from your boss, learning how to promote yourself at work can give you the edge you need.
To master the art of tooting your own horn, check out these six techniques geared toward helping you build a personal brand that projects confidence—not arrogance—and will make others pay attention.
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The Bottom Line: Speeding to new business connections

Made popular during the down economy of the early 2000s, the business version of speed dating has become a more mainstream alternative to traditional networking. Several social networking events have been popping up nationwide, including a noon event today at the Queen Mary and a breakfast speed session on Tuesday put on by the Cerritos Regional Chamber of Commerce at the Cerritos Library.

“You go to these networking events and maybe you only meet maybe two or three people, which is great, but this way you get to meet so many people and then sift through and figure out which ones you want to continue having a relationship with,” said Donna Schilder. “It gives you so many choices right off the bat.”

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Is This Tiny Thing Majorly Draining Your Productivity?

Fast Company — There’s a name for those everyday annoyances that build up and grate on your last nerve, drain your energy, and sap your productivity, says Madeleine Blanchard, co-founder of coaching services at The Ken Blanchard Companies in Escondido, California. They’re called tolerations. They include those little and not-so-little tasks, chores, and to-dos that we typically put off. They’re unpleasant enough that you want to avoid them, but pressing or disruptive enough that they have a negative impact on your daily life. The late coaching pioneer Thomas J. Leonard, founder of Coach U and the International Coach Federation, is widely credited with coining the term.

“It’s a condition or situation that’s irritating and can be eliminated—something you’re putting up with that has a negative impact on you, consuming your time, energy, or resources,” says executive coach Donna Schilder, founder of performance-coaching firm Glacier Point Solutions, Inc.


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