The Executive Coaching that Glacier Point Solutions delivers to myself and our organization is tremendously valuable

The Executive Coaching that Glacier Point Solutions delivers to myself and our organization is tremendously valuable. We are all delighted with your team and I am seeing meaningful leadership growth in our Executive Leadership Team members and Leadership Team members who are participating in the program. We plan to continue to grow and expand our Executive Coaching Program with Glacier Point Solutions.

We have seen demonstrative improvements in our targeted leaders’ leadership skills as a result of the Glacier Point Solutions coaching sessions (e.g., improved interpersonal conduct with their team members and peers; improved responsiveness to deadlines and commitments; improved attitudes towards team projects; better and more effective meetings; enhanced conflict management skills amongst peers and subordinates).

Glacier Point Solutions’ coaching methodology and delivery are personalized to individual’s needs with lots of flexibility, which has been key to further adoption within our leadership team and organization. Also, we have found the telephonic method of conducting the coaching sessions as an advantage of this coaching practice compared to others.

About Donna Schilder, Master Certified Coach

Donna Schilder is a Leadership Coach, Career Coach, & Business Coach who provides a place for her clients to stand back, assess situations, reconnect to their goals, and choose the best approach to achieve business and personal success.