Should You Tweet Your Own Firing?
Leadership experts have mixed opinions about tweeting your own firing. Some see it as a good move under certain circumstances while others urge strongly against it.
Donna Schilder, a professional career coach, argued that there are certain circumstances when tweeting one’s firing makes sense “As a career coach,” she said, “I would advise a client who believes that their industry, and all possible future employers will find out about their firing through the media or otherwise, and believes the firing was unjust, to tweet about the firing and give their response to the firing via Twitter or other social media.” In such scenarios, Schilder said, a tweet explaining the circumstances of a firing may even improve the person’s chance of getting hired somewhere else.
Schilder added a qualifier though. “For most people,” she said, “employers in their industry will not find out that they have been fired. In this case, I would not recommend they tweet about being fired which would publicize information that might adversely affect their future employment.”
Donna Schilder is a Leadership Coach, Career Coach, & Business Coach who provides a place for her clients to stand back, assess situations, reconnect to their goals, and choose the best approach to achieve business and personal success.