Leadership Coaching Value Calculator

Wondering your investment in Executive Coaching will return value?

The Manchester Study indicated that the executives who received coaching valued the service between $100,000 to $1 million ROI. You can use the table below to estimate your ROI from Leadership Coaching, Executive Coaching, and/or CEO Coaching:

Leadership Coaching ROI Calculator

What would it be worth to your organization if you were able to:
Reduced CEO Hours Reduced Leader Hours Reduced Staff Hours Customer Retention / Increased Sales Total $ Gained or Saved
Spend less time persuading and more time thinking strategically?
Operate at your optimum level as a leader?
Fully inspire your leaders to embrace your desired Leadership behaviors?
Eliminate the resistance you encounter in the organization to move to high performance?
Build trust with your leaders and staff and they felt able to communicate more directly with you?
Help your leaders step up to being fully accountable for their organizations’, their staff, their customers, and themselves?
Communicate in a consistently diplomatic and empathetic way so there was no lost productivity due to hard feelings or a sense of lack of empowerment?
Build the company culture you envision (Accountable, Innovative, Fast Paced, Able to Change Quickly, High Performance, Direct, Trusting)?
Communicate clearly, so that your expectations, assignments, and goals are understood the first time?
Reduce the time you spend putting out fires?
Had all the right people in the right positions?

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