Katie Smith

“Katie stands out as a Coach because she is extremely positive, upbeat, and energetic. Her clients benefit from her extensive coaching experience, coupled with her wealth of coaching and stress management training. Katie also shares her wisdom, creativity, and indomitable perseverance with her clients. Katie consistently scores a 5 out of 5, from her clients, on our “Coaching Effectiveness Survey” (with an average of 4.9 over the last 5 years.)”

– Donna Schilder, MCC, President, Glacier Point Solutions

As an Executive Coach & Career Coach, Katie B. Smith, MCC, works with senior executives, managers, and professionals who want to:

  • Become more productive in their current role
  • Build a high performing team
  • Become a more inspiring leader
  • Align their work more closely with their values
  • Step into leadership or step up to the next level of leadership

Katie is a Master Coach Certified (MCC) through the International Coach Federation (ICF) (the top 3% of certified coaches). She received her coach training through Coach U and holds an Advanced Corporate Coaching certification.

Katie believes that seeking to uncover and align with our authentic selves is vital in becoming the best leaders we can be. Her clients often comment on her unique ability to help them identify tangible goals with personal and professional meaning, allowing them to experience more freedom, higher income, greater business results, and greater peace of mind.

Katie coaches leaders at all levels (supervisor through the Executives), including several C-Suite leaders of Fortune 500 companies.

A former Director of Recruiting and Executive Recruiter, Katie has spent over 15 years consulting and training professionals on how to hire and retain top talent and providing strategic consulting to increase profitability, reduce costs, build teams, increase accountability, and increase employee morale. Katie has coached executive and leadership clients in many industries, including banking and financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, aerospace, pharmaceuticals, medical device, and consumer goods.

In addition to Individual Coaching, Katie does Peer Group Coaching to support leadership development and team building, putting her extensive training in Group Coaching to use. (programs with Jennifer Britton and Ginger Cockerham).

One of Katie’s groups commented that they were wondering if she had put “truth serum” in the water they were drinking because her insightful questions and supportive presence created space for them to speak truths that had festered underneath the surface for many years.

Katie was chosen as one of the Top 25 Career Coaches by Career Toolkit in 2016 and she uses her many years’ experience to help companies find top executives as an Executive Search Consultant, and support her clients in stepping up into more advanced roles.

Katie coaches the whole person, believing happiness and fulfillment feed success, and success feeds happiness and fulfillment. She is the author of a new book, Be Happy Now: Claim the Life You Deserve,  which helps readers “move beyond fear and into the conscious choice of embracing fulfillment, love, and happiness.” She uses many of the principles in her book in her coaching work.

In 1990, Katie shifted her focus inward with a desire to redefine “success” in light of personal challenges, including raising her severely hearing-impaired daughter. While teaching her daughter to speak and listen, Katie learned what it means to truly communicate. During this time, Katie discovered the power of yoga and meditation to reduce stress and increase creative thinking and communication.

This led to her creating a much-needed stress-management course for attorneys. She has since revamped the course and worked nationally with corporations and individuals, to bring awareness to the importance of achieving an integrated and balanced life that allows participants to do their best work.

Katie is also a savvy business professional trained to observe her clients’ inner strengths and help them design actions that produce their desired results. She is a strong Coach that will push the client at the appropriate level for who they are and where they are in their work and life, so that they achieve their dreams.




“Katie Smith has wonderful insights into human behavior and helped me become more self-aware, intentional, strategic and present with others. She is great at listening to issues and helping me formulate solutions and practices to make me a stronger professional. Her impact led to change today and further positive change I am excited about in my future.” B.M., Director of Marketing

“Working with Katie was a coaching experience very unique from any prior traditional executive business coaches. She was able to put forth a spotlight on areas that could be developed so that I could continue making smarter decisions that match my talents and desired outcomes. She works from the inside out. This then led to more fulfilling relationships and work, all while expressing myself.

If you are stuck envisioning your vision and are willing to dig deep and do the work, Katie’s integrative methods do pinpoint and redefine areas of yourself, your mission, and your life!”  Elaine DiLisio, President, Cordillera Advisor Group

“Katie is a talented executive coach with a keen sense for enabling self-discovery, professional (and personal) growth and recognizing your own potential. She does this by offering a unique viewpoint into how you think and perceive yourself and others. The result is the realization of new skills, knowledge of how to capitalize on your strengths and use these tools to become a successful and authentic leader.

I highly recommend Katie for those who are looking to develop their professional skills and relationships or are searching for greater focus and satisfaction in their personal and professional lives.” Tim Bauer, PhD, Director of SomaLogic

“Katie inspires me. She takes a whole person approach to coaching and recognizes that successful career development is interdependent with healthy life balance! With her help, encouragement and insight, I have developed greater confidence and trust in myself as a manager and leader. I have learned how to be more open while holding healthy boundaries.A.L., Manager

“Katie gave good ideas for actions which helped me move toward my goals.  She gave me a chance to think through solutions to my problems before giving advice.  And, she helped me hold myself accountable to complete my actions.  I am excited about making my next career move.” – B.M., Marketing Director

“Katie Smith is providing great help with keeping my transition to my new firm on track and stable.  She has also been providing great subject matter, particularly in the areas of continuing to establish leadership skills with a good complement of articles and exercises.  She is also helping me determine what my next transition will look like.”  M.S., Program Manager

“Katie helps me think outside the box.  I now pay better attention to my surroundings and understand that people may not see things the way that I do.  This approach has really helped our team become more established. Now, I am able to really get my point across.  Thank you Katie!”  K.G., Supervisor, Public Utility

“Katie Smith is an incredible professional coach. I hired her when contemplating starting my own business and she has been an invaluable partner along the way. Katie’s coaching approach in working through decisions brings out the best in an individual and gives confidence in the result. As a part of the coaching, Katie is constantly supplementing the sessions with additional resources that are very beneficial.

While this is my first time working with a professional coach, I would recommend it for anyone who strives to challenge yourself personally and professionally to become a better you, and I would recommend that Katie Smith is the partner to help you get there.” Eric Roark, CPA 

“Katie helped me focus on areas that helped me improve my overall performance.  There is always a specific goal for each call and I have always gained something by the end of the call.” – M.B., Safety Manager

“Even the most seasoned, confident professionals need a fresh perspective every now and then. Working with Katie has been a breath of fresh air for me. It has helped me refocus on what is important to me (not everyone else), filter negative energy coming from others, and reframe my negative self-talk. With this adjusted view of my world, I have attracted many positive business and personal opportunities, and I look forward to every day with fresh eyes. I highly recommend working with Katie!” – Sandy McCray, Marketing Strategist/Consultant

“Katie provokes thoughts and ideas to help me develop my management skills and style.” – V.P., Data Management, Banking Industry

“I have worked with Katie for the past two years and highly recommend her as a mentor, coach, professional partner/resource and friend. My past two years included focusing on managing stress productively so that I had better and realistic balance between my personal and professional life. Katie was also an excellent sounding board in hearing my ideas regarding developing, encouraging and engaging my team of Leaders. I am very appreciative of Katie’s strengths as an Executive and Career Coach.” – C.B., Vice President, Banking Industry

“Katie is an enthusiastic and motivating coach who has the ability to listen well, understand your goals, and help you breakthrough barriers to achieve them. She will challenge you, encourage you, brainstorm solutions with you, and always support you wholeheartedly. She is a terrific thought partner in helping you gain new insights about yourself, and to focus on what’s really important. Having worked with her for several months during a time of transition, I can highly recommend Katie as a compassionate and effective personal or business coach.” — Kendra Haaland, Film Animation Producer

“Katie has provided great insight from multiple perspectives on my career planning initiatives. The use of multiple paradigms is critical, and her objective point of view is spot on. She very much is the voice I need to hear on matters I cannot be objective about.”  — Vice President, Banking Industry

“If you feel like you’re going through life with your breaks on, Katie can help. I’ve been working with Katie as my coach for the past three years. During this time, what really resonated with me is her ability to skillfully approach the problems at hand with empathy and insightful common sense. I credit Katie with a number of my personal and professional victories and I consider her to be one of my most valued advisors.” – Alex Marinescu, President, Consumer Goods Industry

“Katie B. Smith is simply a great coach. I have had the privilege of working with her over a period of time and she has always been a powerful support in helping me move forward and achieve results. She is smart, intuitive and possesses a strong background of life experience that is valuable to me in my coaching relationship with her. I would recommend Katie to anyone who is serious about clarifying and moving towards their goals and objectives.” – H.B., Small Business Owner

“Katie is a gifted and masterful coach. I was fortunate to find her during a period of difficult decision making in my life. She has been a true God-send providing support and bringing clarity to my thinking. Katie’s gift is creating a safe environment for me to discover my own path and then supporting that decision. She is funny and friendly and smart and that makes every call fun. Thank you, Katie!” Debbie Ross, Coach

Group Coaching

“Katie was my executive coach as well as conducted group coaching for 6 manager level employees. It was a challenging and yet rewarding experience for everyone. Katie is very effective at stopping the “story” and empowering individuals to take ownership and creating life experiences that YOU want, rather than being a victim of circumstances.

It’s a bit challenging at first to go within oneself but it’s also incredibly empowering and freeing to let go of the external focus and rather only focus on oneself and how I want life to be, how I choose to respond to circumstances around me, etc.

I could visibly see the transition of my staff as they evolved through the challenging aspects and came out the other side as much happier individuals as well as more effective managers. I highly recommend Katie individually as well as for teams.” –Beth Crump, Director of Global Clinical Affairs, Terumo BCT

“Katie did a great job of customizing the program to the needs of our group, all of whom were beginners. The themes of communication, creativity, and stress reduction were integrated seamlessly. I have attended many team building events but none have generated the enthusiasm and excitement of this retreat.” – Mark Fuqua Senior Vice President, Comerica Bank – Texas

“I would highly recommend peer group coaching with Katie Smith. Over several years of doing it, I have gained invaluable knowledge shared within the group, support on handling challenges in my business and usable resources that span across industries. Our group has enough in common that we can relate to each other, but one benefit is that we are from different backgrounds and industries so I truly appreciate a fresh look at issues as it helps me think outside the box. We are able to share information in a safe, confidential space and connect with one another which can sometimes be hard for people within the same organization. Katie is a phenomenal facilitator, and asks thought-provoking questions that really push us to grow. And she brings amazing and inspiring energy to the group!”Shelle Pennington, Employing Broker , Addison & Maxwell Real Estate Brokerage

“Katie is direct and to the point, which at times is very much needed and appreciated in order to identify opportunities for growth. She is also kind and a good listener; it is, therefore, easy to talk to her and feel comfortable talking about personal things in a work setting. I improved my communication skills with a direct focus on direct communication and leaning into conflict rather than avoiding it. I have greater self-confidence and a shift in turning within to solve problems rather than looking to others to change.” — T.S., Participant